
Old Familiar Shoes - Part 1

Once upon a time, a young girl (23, so not so very young) met a boy. It was a chance meeting as he was only in the area for a short while and really, it was his friend whom had gotten her attention in the first place. If it were a movie, you would insert a vignette of the two talking as the world passed by because that night, at least in her case, they only saw each other. They went on one date before he had to go back to school, and it was less than a month before he flew her out to see him.

Six months went by with 3000 miles between them. They had 3 brief intense visits in that last semester of grad school. But there were mostly hour long phone calls in the dead of the night. Graduation, then summer came. Long distance took its toll as did the daunting task of him finding a job. They began fighting. Most calls ended in her crying. Even as they were planning on him coming back to California and moving in together, she began to see the beginning of the end.